Habermas, Jurgen's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.The liberating power of symbols : Philosophical essays ;2001
2.The philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures1990
3.The philosophical discourse of modernity : twelve lectures1987
4.On the logic of the social sciences1988
5.Communication and the evolution of society1979
6.Theory and practice1973
7.The structural transformation of the public sphere : An inquiry into a category of bourgeois society1989
8.Justification and application : remarks on discourse ethics1993
9.The structural transformation of the public sphere: an inquiry into a category of bourgeois society1992
10.The new conservatism : Cultural criticism and the historians's debate1989
11.Toward a rational society : student protest, science, and politics1970
12.Legitimation crisis1975
13.On the pragmatics of social interaction : preliminary studies in the theory of communicative action2001
14.The postnational constellation : Political essays2001
15.The inclusion of the other : Studies in political theory2002
16.A Berlin Republic : writings on Germany = Die normalitat einer Berliner Republik1997
17.The future of human nature2003
18.Truth and justification2003
19.The theory of communicative action1984
20.Between facts and norms : Contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy1998
21.The crisis of the European Union : A response2012
22.The lure of technocracy2015